Monthly Archives: May 2013

The rewards of a regular yoga practice

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Yoga is both a fun and playful journey and a rewarding learning process. This ancient holistic practice can uplift your spirits and calm your mind. A regular yoga practice can build reserves of inner strength and flexibility that can help improve every area of life.

My new Wednesday morning hatha yoga class is gentle enough for beginners but also has a focus on alignment and technique that will benefit and challenge seasoned yoga-goers.Participants will be encouraged to become more sensitively attuned to their bodies and not to over exert themselves, adhering to the yoga principles of ‘ahimsa’ (non violence/competitiveness towards yourself and others) and also Patanjali’s interpretation of ‘asana’ as a steady, comfortable pose.

This new Wilmslow  yoga class is starting next Wednesday at 10am-11am at Dean Row Village Hall (check the timetable for further details). This is a lovely traditional village hall with lots of character, and is warm and cosy enough on bad weather days as it is centrally heated. You can choose to purchase the whole 10 week course for the specially reduced price of £50 or else drop in each week for £7 per session.

If you are thinking of coming along, please drop me a line so I have an idea of numbers – my email is [email protected]



The ideal post evening yoga routine!

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One of my yoga regulars, Claire, is also a very experienced and intuitive reflexologist and massage therapist. She gave me a great tip for soothing sore muscles that I thought I would pass on to you, seeing as how pretty much everybody who comes to yoga is looking for a way to sleep better, destress their minds and relieve stiff joints and muscle aches. Her tip; soaking in a nice warm bath with a couple of mugs of epsom salts. Epsom salts are a traditional, natural way to get more of the mineral magnesium. Soaking in the bath will allow the salts to absorb through your skin and into your blood stream, working directly on the nervous system and helping also to help soothe any inflammation or sore muscles. To me, I can’t think of a nicer way to round off your night after a session of yoga – relaxing in a salt bath for at least 15 mins, to help you get a great night’s sleep. Here’s a link to find out more about the healing properties of Epsom Salts:



Timetable changes

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The Bowdon Vale classes will unfortunately be closing after next week (May 14th) but I will also be starting up two new daytime classes from June. They will be both hatha yoga classes, at the following venues:

Dean Row Village Hall – Wednesdays 10-11am

Email me if you are interested in this Wilmslow class – [email protected]

Gatley Tatton House Studio – Fridays 12pm-1.30pm

You can book the Friday lunchtime class via this weblink:

Hope to see you soon on the mat!