2023 Summer Schedule for Online Pilates and Yoga classes

By July 9, 2023 Blog No Comments

Hi there,

It’s almost the school summer holidays already, so I’ve put together a schedule for over the six week break, while the school is shut.

You will see that the online classes alternate between pilates and yoga each week. All zoom sessions will run Wednesdays 6.30pm-7.30pm:

Wednesday 26th July – Pilates via Zoom

Wednesday 2nd August – Yoga via Zoom

Wednesday 9th August – Pilates via Zoom

Wednesday 16th August – Yoga via Zoom

Wednesday 23rd August – Pilates via Zoom

Wednesday 30th August – Yoga via Zoom

Zoom sessions will cost £7 per live class and £5 per recording. You can attend as many as you like, or just the odd one. Please email me if you would like the zoom login details and/or would like to subscribe to the summer recordings.

Please note that these classes will replace the normal online classes that usually run on a Thursday evening/Friday morning – these time slots will resume in September.