Here are some dates for your diary:
Tuesday May 3rd – After Work Yoga
Upstairs in the 1st Floor Space, 18-20 Union St, S1 2 JP
£6.50/£5.50 concessions
Shake off the stresses of your working day with sun salutes, teatime twists and refreshing side bends. I’ll take you through a varied sequence of totally do-able yoga postures, throwing in the odd challenge, while always making space for the tranquility of a subtle yin pose. Feel your body re-energise and those tight spots melting as you learn some simple breathing techniques to lower harmful stress hormones and restore a sense of wellbeing. We’ll finish off our yoga practice with the ultimate after work wind-down – savasana. Then you’ll be ready to head home relaxed and perfectly timed for the evening rush hour to have died down!
Saturday May 14th – Core Yoga and Pilates Workshop
Instinctive Health,
Unit 13 Yoga Studio
Neepsend Triangle Business Centre,
1 Burton Road, S3 8BW
£20 pre-book or £22.50 drop in
To reserve your space, visit instinctivehealth.co.uk/workshops/
This workshop will examine the importance of engaging and using the core muscles in yoga postures. The core muscles are essential for maintaining a healthy spine and posture. They give us inner strength, allowing us to hold arm balances and strength poses for longer, giving us a renewed sense of confidence and control. We will be using some pilates exercises to strengthen the deep abdominals (mula bandha and uddiyana bandha) and using some balancing yoga postures to help us improve our inner steadiness. The small pilates ball will also come into play! Mindfulness of breath will bring about an inner stillness, allowing this focus on our centre to reconnect body, mind and spirit. There will be a tea break mid way through this workshop and time to chat and relax in friendly surroundings. We will round off the workshop with some lovely restorative stretches.
Saturday 18th June – Yoga for the Spine – Me-time for Mums
Instinctive Health,
Unit 13 Yoga Studio
Neepsend Triangle Business Centre,
1 Burton Road, S3 8BW
£20 pre-book or £22.50 drop in
To reserve your space, visit instinctivehealth.co.uk/workshops/
Picking up toddlers, not having time to exercise as much as you want to, fatigue and changes in the body after pregnancy can all take their toll on your back. Learn how to gently release tension and reduce aches and pains in the spine. This workshop will focus on both upper back and lower back releases, exploring healthy movement for the spine. The asana workshop will be split into two parts, with a tea break inbetween, and rounded off with time to still the mind, focus on breath awareness and enjoy a wonderful relaxation.
Saturday 2nd July – Gratitude Workshop
Instinctive Health,
Unit 13 Yoga Studio
Neepsend Triangle Business Centre,
1 Burton Road, S3 8BW
£30 pre-book or £32.50 drop in
To reserve your space, visit instinctivehealth.co.uk/workshops/
This yoga workshop puts the emphasis on gratitude being another way for expressing our intrinsic interconnectedness with the rest of the universe. The first part of the workshop will be a physical asana session with poses that can unleash feelings of joyfulness, creativity, love and compassion. As we move, we will contemplate the chakras, the energy points that according to yogic philosophy run along the spine. Mindfulness and meditation will pave the way for us to a creative exercise – filling and decorating our own Gratitude Jar. Tea, biscuits and smiles will fuel our inspiration. We will finish the workshop with a relaxation including time for a sankalpa, or personal affirmation to leave us feeling great.
This three hour workshop includes your own take home Gratitude Jar!