During my time as a Pilates instructor, I also completed the British Wheel of Yoga three year Diploma course with Jenny Boam. Studying with The British Wheel has deepened my understanding of Yoga on every level, from giving me a deeper understanding of the benefits of asana and their modifications to discovering more about the roots of Yoga and its philosophy. What I especially like about yoga is how it subtly begins to transform your whole life and outlook, not just your body! I’ve since attended workshops with many renowned teachers including Jivamukti instructor Cat Alip-Douglas and Ashtanga’s one and only Kino McGregor, as well as a trip to India in 2013 to see the Sivananda ashram at Neeyar Dam and practice with Sivananda and Hatha teachers in Kerala. The thing I love about yoga is that you always have something new to learn, because yoga has a way of telling you so much about yourself.